Regarding the ESXi-Customizer Software that you recommended. I am able to add the ISO and have downloaded the drivers for my Intel Network card. Yet whenever I attempt to RUN the compiler it comes up with a Fatal error when it tries to compile my drivers into an ISO. It says that it could not read and force closes
Folders: 145
Files: 1483
Size: 155014353
Compressed: 77899859
[2014-01-23 17:12:16.31] !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2014-01-23 17:12:16.31] !-- FATAL ERROR: Corrupt offline bundle. Cannot find file!
[2014-01-23 17:12:16.32] !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2014-01-23 17:12:16.32] Run: "C:\*\Downloads\ESXi-Customizer-v2.7.2\tools\MsgBox.exe" 266260 "FATAL ERROR:&n Corrupt offline bundle. Cannot find file!&n&nSee log file 'D:\Dreamspark\PLS\ESXi-Customizer.log' for details! Do you want to open the log file in notepad now?"
[2014-01-23 17:12:19.15] Cleaning up ...
[2014-01-23 17:12:19.45] Please check and clean up manually.
[2014-01-23 17:12:19.46] This is the end.