We are currently running 3 x host machines running vsphere 4.1 essentials connected to a vCenter standard server (Not the essentials vcenter server). We are aware that if we upgrade these host machines we will be unable to be managed by our vCenter server (v5.5) due to a licencing change and this is longer no possible.
After running these 3 hosts with Essentials we are now looking to introduce vmotion and storage vmotion to the environment. Can you confirm that we just need to purchase the right amount of vSphere Standard licences?
There doesn't seem to be an upgrade from Essentials to vSphere standard. The VMware licencing team have previously recommended speak to our partners and after doing this they are recommending purchasing:
VMware vSphere with Operations Management [Corporate - Upgrade: VMware vSphere 5 Essentials to vSphere with Operations Manag Std Acceleration Kit for 6 processors]
This is considerably more than need and also much more expensive. It is my opinion that we do not need to go down this route as it is much more expensive than buying the vSphere standard licences.
Can anyone confirm that we just need to purchase the right amount of vSphere Standard licences in order to manage them with vCenter Server Standard in order to enable vmotion between these hosts?