Hi, thanks
It's a local certificate. Vcenter is installed on a vm. This vm takes time from esx. I had to configure date 18.10.2014 to be able to login to vcenter.
Now I'm trying to update the certificates using the update tool, but I'm also facing troubles (read beginner )
Can someone tell if I use rights parameters, for instance:
C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL\cacert.pem
C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL\rui.key
So this is what I get now:
3. Update the Single Sign-On SSL Certificate
1. Update the Single Sign-On SSL Certificate
2. Rollback to the previous Single Sign-On SSL Certificate
3. Return to the main menu to update other services
The chosen service is: 1
[21.10.2014 - 17:16:19,73]: The services that are restarted as a part of this operation are: vCenter Single Sign-On (if
it is stopped it won't be started).
Enter location to the new Single Sign-On SSL chain (default value is: C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL_old
\cacert.pem): C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL\cacert.pem
Enter location to the new Single Sign-On private key (default value is: C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL_o
ld\rui.key): C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\SSL\rui.key
Enter Single Sign-On Administrator user (default value is: administrator@vsphere.local):
Enter Single Sign-On Administrator password (will not be echoed):
Do you have a load balancer installed? (yes/no) (default value is: no): no
[.] WARNING: The host name of this machine cannot be resolved against the configured DNS servers.
[.] WARNING: Having a resolvable host name is a requirement for installing the VMware vSphere services.
[.] WARNING: The operation will continues on a best effort basis, but false negative (or positive) results are possible.
[.] Review the `Prerequisites for Installing vCenter Server' secion in the vSphere Documentation Center.
[.] ERROR: One or more required parameters are not set or have invalid values:
[.] - The leaf certificate doesn't have any CN or subjectAltName that matches any known IP address of the current mach
ine. Rejecting the chain. To skip this check, set the `ssl_tool_no_cert_san_check' environment variable to 1.
[21.10.2014 - 17:16:54,28]: Last operation update the Single Sign-On SSL certificate failed :
[21.10.2014 - 17:16:54,28]: The input parameters are missing or incorrect. Check the logs for more details.
I also tried it with normal date and time from today.