When i'm going to Storage Views for any object (vm or cluster or host...), i have this popup "The storage service is not initialized". And the windows is empty...
I'm in 5.5 (1891313). When I'm going to vCenter Service Status, the service VMware vCenter Storage Monitoring Service is in Warning Alert and show "Service initializing..."
I try a lot of KB VMware but nothing works to solve my problem. I don't found any KB that explain MY problem. The sms.log is not update since the start of the problem and the sps.log show an error at start of the service VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service:
2014-07-29 13:15:39,281 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] INFO opId= com.vmware.sps.util.impl.SpsQsConnectorImpl - Connected to Query Service
2014-07-29 13:15:39,281 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] INFO opId= com.vmware.sps.SpsLocalService - Registering SPS to Query Service
2014-07-29 13:15:39,281 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] DEBUG opId= com.vmware.sps.qs.SpsQsProvider - registerSpsProvider
2014-07-29 13:15:39,284 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] WARN opId= com.vmware.vim.vmomi.client.http.impl.HttpProtocolBindingImpl - Asynchronous execution requested but no Executor configured. The request will be executed as synchronous one.
2014-07-29 13:15:39,293 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] DEBUG opId= com.vmware.vim.storage.common.util.UUIDFactory - server GUID from the config file - a056401d-1138-4509-931d-5d81fdaeda36
2014-07-29 13:15:39,293 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] INFO opId= com.vmware.sps.qs.SpsQsProvider - SPS has already been registered into QS with uuid :a056401d-1138-4509-931d-5d81fdaeda36
2014-07-29 13:15:39,293 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] ERROR opId= com.vmware.sps.qs.SpsQsProvider - Failed to register SPS into QS:com.vmware.vim.binding.dataservice.fault.AlreadyExistsFault:
inherited from com.vmware.vim.binding.dataservice.fault.AlreadyExistsFault
2014-07-29 13:15:39,293 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] INFO opId= com.vmware.sps.qs.SpsQsProvider - SPS has been registered into query service with provider GUID: a056401d-1138-4509-931d-5d81fdaeda36
2014-07-29 13:15:39,314 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] INFO opId= org.dozer.config.GlobalSettings - Trying to find Dozer configuration file: dozer.properties
2014-07-29 13:15:39,315 [WrapperSimpleAppMain] INFO opId= org.dozer.config.GlobalSettings - Dozer configuration file not found: dozer.properties. Using defaults for all Dozer global properties.