Hello, from the error message itself it seems to be something wrong with the domain authentication - see the below lines:
2014-11-12T16:14:49.537+01:00 [09928 error '[SSO][SsoAdminFacadeImpl]'] [RefreshSsoToken] AcquireToken exception: Authentication failed: Invalid credentials
2014-11-12T16:14:49.597+01:00 [09928 error '[SSO]'] [UserDirectorySso] GetUserInfo exception: class Vmacore::Authorize::AuthUserUnresolvedException(User VSPHERE.LOCAL\Administrator, cause: class Vpx::Common::Sso::DomainUnresolvedException(RemoteGetDomainNames RuntimeServiceFault exception: sso.fault.RuntimeServiceFault))
2014-11-12T16:14:49.615+01:00 [09928 error 'authvpxdAuthorize'] Failed to set admin permission on SSO admin as user validation error
Seems like the Inventory Service has lost the credentials/domain trust - it can not reslove the domain. Are your DNS servers set up on your server where the Inventory Services reside? Were there any changes on your DNS IPs? Please double-check and try
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /refreshdns
on the server once you have double-checked the DNS servers can communciate properly.