well, still not got this working...
there was an NTP problem, fixed that.
Looking through syslog I see this:
2014-01-23T16:57:18Z 2014-01-23 16: 57:18,754 Host Profiles[35750]: INFO: /sbin/applyHostProfile sending boot msg to console: Applying Host Profile task list...Done^@
2014-01-23T16:57:18Z 2014-01-23 16: 57:18,816 Host Profiles[35750]: WARNING: applyHostProfile utility leaving host in maintenance mode during post boot configuration.
Apply Error: None
Reapply Required State: ['DvsProfile']
Early Boot Failed State: None^@
Yes I do have a Dvs.. and that is what is not being configured.
Then I get
2014-01-23T16:57:52Z 2014-01-23 16: 57:52,207 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: CheckHostCompliance called^@
2014-01-23T16:57:52Z 2014-01-23 16: 57:52,435 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: Gathering hostInfo data...^@
2014-01-23T16:57:59Z 2014-01-23 16: 57:59,539 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: Done gathering hostInfo data (7.1038839817 seconds)^@
and then
2014-01-23T16:58:06Z 2014-01-23 16: 58:06,683 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: Calling GatherData() for profile type CimXmlIndicationsProfile^@
2014-01-23T16:58:06Z 2014-01-23 16: 58:06,745 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: IP ( for hostname (localhost) does not match mgmt vnic ip list ['']. ^@
2014-01-23T16:58:06Z 2014-01-23 16: 58:06,746 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: CIM Indication plugin selecting first valid mgmt vnic IP address as host IP:^@
2014-01-23T16:58:06Z ComplianceManager: [2014-01-23 16:58:06,746 vmware.runcommand INFO] runcommand called with: args = '/bin/ticket --generate', outfile = 'None', returnoutput = 'True', timeout = '0.0'.^@
2014-01-23T16:58:06Z 2014-01-23 16: 58:06,757 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: Created CIM ticket dea3235f-f0ab-499d-be5b-341dd683ee49^@
2014-01-23T16:58:06Z 2014-01-23 16: 58:06,989 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: Calling GatherData() for profile type MotdProfile^@
2014-01-23T16:58:06Z 2014-01-23 16: 58:06,990 Host Profiles[36778]: INFO: Calling GatherData() for profile type PAMLoginMapProfile^@
and that is it... end of host profile stuff in the syslog, no errors.
Its funny as with 5.1 I am pretty sure that in the status window, it connnect the host, then says applying host profile, then disconnects and reconnects. Currently, all I see in my status window is that it Disconnects the host and then reconnects...
I have downloaded 5.5b of the vcenter, not sure that will make any difference, but grasping at straws, will try that tomorrow morning I guess.
any comments or ideas would certainly be welcome at this point.