Ok, so i have a whitebox (Supermicro X8DTU, 2xE5530, 48GB RAM) I have a 9650SE with three volumes (3x600@R5, 300GB, 1000GB, the stand alone disks are used for ISO storage and "miscellaneous junk).
Now, back when 5.5 got the 32GB limit lifted, I started thinking about upgrading, but I understand that the 9650SE is a bit temperamental in regards to 5.x? I have plenty of mixed result posts on various communitied in regard to slipstreaming an installation media and such, but never seem to have found adefinitive guide.
So, since the CoLoc-center I have the box at charges an arm and a leg for physical access, I would prefer to not have to muck about to much.
What are my available upgrade paths here?