I have a question to ask.
I have to update my infrastructure from version 5.1 to version 5.1 of vSphere u1.
To make the installation of vSphere 5.1 was used the image VMware-ESXi-5.1.0-799733-HP-5:34:23 because the servers are ProLiant BL460c G6.
Now I want to understand how to proceed to install the update.
I would like to do the following:
- I download the patch 5 u1 via update manager from vmware repository
- I insert the repository hp (http://vibsdepot.hp.com/index.xml) to install all the HP Software Bundles available as described in the link http://vmwaredepot.blogspot.it/2012/05/updating- hp-esxi-image-using-vsphere.html to perform the installation by VUM
This is the correct procedure to perform the update of customized vsphere image?