Upgrading ESX while connected to SAN
Hi. Back in the days it was considered best practice to disconnect the host fram the SAN while installing or upgrading ESX. Is this still the case with ESXi 5.5?
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Hi, Actually it is still the best practice to disconnect from the SAN, But you could do it on the fly as well using the update manager if your upgrading from ESXi 5.1 to ESXI 5.5. I have seen many do...
View ArticleRe: Upgrading ESX while connected to SAN
Just ensure that the Hardware and SAN is compatible with ESXi 5.5, and you can have the SAN connected it should work good.VMware Compatibility Guide: System Search And to add if it is not compatible...
View ArticleFailed vcenter upgrade, but I cloned the old machine. Can I just power it up...
I have been having a STRUGGLING time getting a vcenter 5.0 server upgraded to 5.1. I mean struggling, now for almost a week. It is working to a degree but VUM and SRM just WILL NOT WORK and vmware...
View ArticleRe: how VUM process work.
Can you upgrade ESX to ESXi... For example ESX 4.1U3 to ESXi 5.5 ? Assuming the hardware is compatible of course. I've always gone from ESX to ESX, like we started out with 4.0. Going to 4.1 was a...
View ArticleRe: vSphere Essentials Plus upgrade from 4.1 to 5.5
Hi RayHahn, Thanks for your input on this.I am aware of the limitations of EtherChannel / Bonding and most of it's policy modes.And it is as you state. Ten Trunked 1GBit NICs are different then One 10...
View ArticleRe: Failed vcenter upgrade, but I cloned the old machine. Can I just power it...
where is the vCenter DB located? is it on the same machine where vCenter is installed?If so the clone will help. You can safely power down 5.1 and powerup 5.0. the hosts will show disconnected in...
View ArticleRe: Upgrading ESX while connected to SAN
you have to be bit careful if you are upgrading ESX 4.0 to ESXi 5.5. Go through the following KB. It will help you to know whether your scenario is a supported one or not. VMware KB: Methods for...
View ArticleRe: Failed vcenter upgrade, but I cloned the old machine. Can I just power it...
Well on any client, the VUM plugin will not download at all. It hangs at 0% until an error is thrown. "Unable to connect to the remote server". I was able to get VUM plugin to download and install...
View ArticleRe: Failed vcenter upgrade, but I cloned the old machine. Can I just power it...
I was able to install the SRM plugin manually by finding it and running it out of C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\www on the vcenter server. Though I got the plugin...
View ArticleRe: Failed vcenter upgrade, but I cloned the old machine. Can I just power it...
did you check the DNS? are you able to resolve the vcenter/vum server name properly?Check this KBVMware KB: Cannot connect to the remote server when downloading the vCenter Update Manager or Converter...
View ArticleRe: Failed vcenter upgrade, but I cloned the old machine. Can I just power it...
Well DNS seems ok. The name is resolveable at both locations to it's actual IP address which is So on my PC if I go to I get "Oops!...
View ArticleRe: Failed vcenter upgrade, but I cloned the old machine. Can I just power it...
Also for SRM, in the vmware-dr-462.log I see this --> * A certificate in the host's chain is based on an untrusted root. But searching for that string on vmware support kb under the Site Recovery...
View ArticleRe: Upgrading ESX while connected to SAN
To add to the responses, this issue is not related to the version of ESXi. The reason it's best to disconnect from the SAN while installing ESXi locally is that during the install, the installer will...
View ArticleHow do I register my free install of ESXI 5.0.0 ?
Just finished installing what I thought was a free version of ESXI 5.0.0 on my new Proliant MicroServer... it went pretty well considering I'm a total newbie to virtualization and VMware. But I kept...
View ArticleRe: How do I register my free install of ESXI 5.0.0 ?
Welcome to the COmmunity - YOu will need to register you copy at myvmware.com from here which will allow you to register the product and where you will be able to download the free license -...
View ArticleRe: How do I register my free install of ESXI 5.0.0 ?
ESXi by default comes with 60 day evaluation license. If you have downloaded the free version then VMware would have provided you with a free license key. Login into your MyVMware account and you will...
View ArticleRe: How do I register my free install of ESXI 5.0.0 ?
I am seeing no place on myvmware to register the copy... the only place I see that seems to know about my download is the download history where it's spelled out in detail......
View ArticleRe: How do I register my free install of ESXI 5.0.0 ?
Ok when you select that download. Do you see a license Key at the first line?And like I asked before, are you sure you have registered and downloaded the free ESXi?
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